Welcome to St. Lawrence University's FitThumb Portal!

Welcome to St. Lawrence University's FitThumb Portal!

1.  First time here?  Click on '+Need an account? Create one here.' link to the left.   

2.  Use your Enrollment Code: First 3 letters of your first name + First 3 letters of your last name + 6 digit Date of Birth in “mmddyy” format.
Example:   John Smith born Jan 1, 1983: johsmi010183

*Employees and Spouse/Domestic Partner will each have their own separate individual account. Each will need a different/separate email address to sign into individual accounts. 
Once your account has been created you will sign in with the username (email address) and password you created. 

***Incentive Check Questions: kbannister@relphbenefitadvisors.com

***Technical or Login issues, email support@fitthumb.com